Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Time flies whilst you are being tortured by old people

It is I! After an entire semester fill with much craziness and even more homework. Yet, I do not look back on the year with TOO much regret. Yes, I do regret ignoring my school book for more preferable material (who wouldn't right? i mean, chem. or manga? no contest.) However, in no way do I regret wenching during the madrigal, changing classes, being an alto, making new friends, going to a winter ball, with a group of besties, its all been the best. And while sometimes life has sucked pretty, majorly what with falling out with my closest friend, and grades not been so hot. Iv been able to survive this far, im sure ill make it for at least a little while longer.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

im such a horrible nasty liar...tee hee!

i know i promised to write a lot of things, a-kon, camp. but the truth? if i promed to write about it then there is a 99.9% chance i wont. Oh well. mayby someone else will write about it! mehbeh. your best chances of info are 1word of mouth. 2 facebook. 3. ACTUALLY ATTEND!!!!! im gonna be unusalluy short today cuz im pressed for time. yes. i have a life. I know this suprises you but i do. Right now im at a friends and am hogging her com so i gotta be quich. ok these past two weeks. in a nutshel. aaaand, cuz im a daredevil, innnnnnn ONE BREATH!!!! oh yeah! ok, ready, set. iwenttoyouthcampandhadablastgotmyhaircurledandlokedgoodforaboutfiveminwentswimmingthenhadastudysessionandrgisteredforschoolgotcontactspokedmyeyeforandhourplottedmycousinsdesththenasleepoverandnowimatmybestiez
Those who survived that sentince congratulations. those whose heads blew up in the process. sorry, better luck next time. now i go. my songs playin. till next time

Thursday, July 21, 2011


i write again!!!! buahahahahaaaa!!!! may any unfortunate wo dares to read this pitifull peice of... of... of!... well im not exactly sure WHAT this is. Ok moving on! no my week was pretty eventfull. on saturday my familly and i went to see the new haprry potter and the deathly hallows part two movie. and i dont care what my father OR my little brother say. IT.WAS.AMAYZING!!!!!!!once i got over the sheer awesomeness I went to see my cousin blu. we went swimming at the pool blus brother holt works at. after works i helped her with her comic con costume(wich is super cool by the way.). I returned home to find that it had been taken over by evil midgets. basicly, by brother had invited my younger cousin and his evil{er} twin over.after words monday is simply a colorfull blur. Im not quite sure if thats a good thing or not.on tuesday we wnt to see the HP movie(again) this time with some close friends, including ramsgirl.it was stil awsome nonetheless. yesterday i went bowling with ramsgirl and,(bragging time!)I beat her in the second game!!!!!! yeah! i have bragging rights because normally she is a million and one times better than me. BUT, i got her this time!!!! celebration dance!. afterwards we went over to my houc and went thru my closet to search for clothing sutible for camp. we ended up with a lot of winter clothes. sigh. afteour motheres were finished chatting(about an hour later) we went to her houce and watched a couple episodes of The Big Bang theory. I thought it was high-larious. then we had dinner and went to youth. we met up with our friend jenny there and things got off to a good start. there was a new guy and he seemed pretty cool. untill that is... i commited the unthinkable. i ate the pretsels. now, this isint a problem if your not me. but I did. and it screwed up my day entirely. it turns out, while i like pretsels, yeah-they dont like me. AT ALL. my time there was cut short by your average case of girl-eating-something-she-REEEEEEEEEEAAAALLLLY-shouldent-cuz-it-makes-her-as-sick-as-a-dog.yeeeeah. my wevening was cut neatly(or not so neatly depending on how you look at it) in half. well i got ta go! ill update y'all next week with news on youth camp! I cant waaaait!!!!!!!!! till then!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Back to reality- unfortunately...

Not much to write today, no dead birds, no blowing up of anything...yet. My councelor told me i should use this blog to express my emotions through writing. Personally, iv always been better at screaming them. I should probably fix that shouldent I? Oh well, so lets see... most interesting things that have happened this week. 1. I started a 2 week jr lifeguarding class. 2. I went to the dentist. ouch. Nonetheless, lifeguarding wise its going ok i guess. Not really my thing though. More like my mom and dads thing. Mom insists on us taking going to SOME kind of summer excusion thing. Dad... is just going along with whatever mom says. I know i should just get used to it. I have been swimming sence i was smart enough to refuse all atempts of teaching me to swim.i wonder if this is just my mother and father trying to cling to the idiea that my brother and i are going to be swimming FOREVER. In truth, to me that sounds like a death sentence. And it practically is. Long boring backstory/explanation tiiiiime! my mother is from the north. So her skin is fair and de-li-cate. My dads from around here. So hes a dark brown now and hardly EVER burns. My brother and i split their genes. Basically, he got dads skin-i got moms. which would be just fine but, I. CANT. TAN. at all. nope, all i do is burn. and alfter the burn peels off, im paler than before!  so while spending 2 hours a day in the sun is fun for most people, I take no joy in sitting around cooking and then spending the next week or so paying the price.The dentist wasent exactly pleasent either. I was getting a cavity filled in so i had to inhale laughing gas. Guess what? it really does make you laugh. I am dead serious.i was sitting in the dentists chair just giggling away while the filled in my cavity. I even started singing at one point. Im serious, that stuff is dangerous. so that was some of the more interesting parts of my week in a nut shell. untill i can find out what else to write about!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bonnie blues

I know I was planning on giving a report on the first 2 dayz of akon, but in light of a recent tragedy it seems that will have to wait. Yesterday morning my mom told my brother and i to hurry and get dressed, dad had found a fledgeling blue jay in the neighbors yard. My family loves to rescue and raise fledgeling baby birds. This was no exception. My brother and i grabbed the bird cage we got at canton and sprinted over to our neighbors house. We saw dads car parked in fromt of the yard, he was bent over trying to keep the bird in one place. when we got there he grabbed the bird and put her inside the cage. sean had forgotten to bring the door lock and we had to speedwalk to the house with the both of us holding the cage closed. when we got home the preperations to make the cage as tidy as possible bagan. we sprinted around the house, gather plastic containers to be the nest and the water bowl, pulling out the paper shredder fro it hiding place and stuffing some of the shavings into the "nest" bowl, filling her water bowl  and placing both inside her cage. i was the one who was chosen to look up what food to give her. we ended up deciding to give her apple sauce and  some blueberries. we even went to the store to make sure we would have enough food to last her her life. Although at first she diddent eat we were not worried. the other birds hadent eaten at first either. we just figured it was shock and let her be. when dad came home from work we asked him what we should name her. He decided on bonnie blue from "gone with the wind" I spent the entire day dinging "my bonnie lies ofer the ocean". The next day however. bonnie lay dead. It took us untill about 8:30 to realise something was wrong. At first we has just assumed the bonnie was asleep. She had slept all day yesterday and so we thought nothing of it. it was my little brother who found her. he had gone to check on her and became worried when she did not react to his whisteling. upon further inpection he found her no longer with us. She was laid to rest behind the tool shed. her grave reades a such
"dearest bonnie,
though we bearly knew you,
you leave us with our hearts in two."
R.I.P. bonnie

Thursday, June 23, 2011

SMS{saved my summer[just barely!!!!]}

Wow it has been FOREVER sence iI updated! To bring you up to speed, I was doing just fine untoll the last day of school, muind you I was being threatened with summer school but I was confident I would be fine. Im a pretty good test taker{not to brag} but its about the only way I passed k-8th. Back on thrack now, so im all excited about summer right? well my dad calles mre into the TV room menicingly and it turns out...I. HAD. SUMMER SCHOOL. cue the awquardly long, and melodromatic, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<breathe> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <breathe> NOOOOOOOOOOO, ect., so about an hour later i drag myself up from where i collapsed, and go 2 look up the info son ss. {and to try to climb my way out of the hell hole i had jumped into. when i see these majical little words.(fyi *=sparkle sparkle) * credit recovery!* you know those moments in movies when theres this mystical sparkely shapt of light and you hear that chorus singing alleghleuyah? That was my sparle-shaft-aleghleuyah-singing-chorus moment. I almost burst into tears-again- from pure happiness. So it turns out all I had to do is take a test and pass, THAT grade would count instead of the F. So I(of course) went to my councelor, took the test. paaaaaassed and, my summer was saved!!!!! woooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! thus I was free to sleep in aaaand go 2 a-kon. but ill writ about A-kon anotherday. Im burning precious summertime.
till then!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I speak again!

it seems I have been gone for quite some time. i was prepareing fot show choir tryouts.I was a participant in dancing along to a few strains of the song "Dog days are over" It is at the very end but we enjoyed ourselves immensly. Results of the tryouts will be posted either this friday or next fri. i hope its this fri. Im not sure I could withstand waiting another week. Wish me luck! Im gonna need it!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just another day in paradise

And another one bites the dust! And another one gone and another one gone, another one bites the dust!
Yes, it seems another day has bitten the dust. One down 21 more to go! geez... when you say it like that there's no victory in the whole affair at all! 1 week down 4 left! Nope. Still nothing. Maybe after another week it'll sound better.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Crappy crappy day. Diddent get song part in choir and crieed for about an hour afterward, much to my embarressment. Most of the choir saw and im sure i came off as whiney. But oh well. whats done is done and to counteract this misfortune I plan on charging into class,head high. and refusing ever to hear the song Elanor Rigeby EVER again. Oh well... at least its a start.Wish me luck!