Wow it has been FOREVER sence iI updated! To bring you up to speed, I was doing just fine untoll the last day of school, muind you I was being threatened with summer school but I was confident I would be fine. Im a pretty good test taker{not to brag} but its about the only way I passed k-8th. Back on thrack now, so im all excited about summer right? well my dad calles mre into the TV room menicingly and it turns out...I. HAD. SUMMER SCHOOL. cue the awquardly long, and melodromatic, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<breathe> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <breathe> NOOOOOOOOOOO, ect., so about an hour later i drag myself up from where i collapsed, and go 2 look up the info son ss. {and to try to climb my way out of the hell hole i had jumped into. when i see these majical little words.(fyi *=sparkle sparkle) * credit recovery!* you know those moments in movies when theres this mystical sparkely shapt of light and you hear that chorus singing alleghleuyah? That was my sparle-shaft-aleghleuyah-singing-chorus moment. I almost burst into tears-again- from pure happiness. So it turns out all I had to do is take a test and pass, THAT grade would count instead of the F. So I(of course) went to my councelor, took the test. paaaaaassed and, my summer was saved!!!!! woooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! thus I was free to sleep in aaaand go 2 a-kon. but ill writ about A-kon anotherday. Im burning precious summertime.
till then!
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